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February 2020


Marcienne Rocard

The Children of the Sun - the Mexican-American Minority through American Literature


Marcienne Rocard is a retired professor of American and Canadian literature.

She was a lecturer at SMU Dallas,Texas, and then went on to University California Los Angeles (UCLA), where she wrote her thesis on the Mexican-American minority. It was published as "Les Fils du Soleil" in Paris, by Maisonneuve et Larose, in 1980, then translated by Edward Brown, at Tucson,University by Arizona Press in 1989, as "The Children of the Sun". 


She has published articles in American and Canadian journals,  and retired as full professor of American and Canadian literature at Toulouse-Le Mirail University.

In her presentation, she has shared with us why she originally took an interest to the literature of the Mexican-American minority in the US and shared their journey, focusing on how they have asserted their marginality, and their differences, torn as they are between two cultures.

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